General Rules:

  • Editorial board has the right to specify the priorities of research publishing.
  • The research paper must be original and never been published.
  • It has to be under the journal’s domain.
  • It should be authentic, original, innovative, and contribute to knowledge.
  • It should not be derived from a previous research paper of the same researcher.
  • It should take into account the rules and methodologies of an original scientific research.
  • The researcher must ensure the integrity of the research language, and that it is clear from linguistic and grammatical errors. ‏
  • The opinions expressed in the published research papers do not necessarily reflect the views of the journal or the center. ‏
  • Both Arabic and English research papers are accepted.

Technical Rules:

  • The presented research paper should not exceed (40) pages, including Arabic and English abstracts and the references.
  • The title of the research, the name of the researcher, or researchers (in Arabic and English), the institution to which they belong to, and the correspondence address, shall be written on a separate page before the research pages; then followed by the research pages, starting with the first page where the research title is written only followed by the entire research. ‏
  • The dimensions of all four page margins (upper, lower, right, and left) are 3 cm, and the distance between the lines is single.
  • The font of the body in the Arabic research papers should be Simplified Arabic of 16-point font size, while English papers should be New Times Roman of 11-point font size.
  • The font of the tables in the Arabic research papers should be Simplified Arabic of 10-point font size, while English papers should be New Times Roman of 8-point font size.
  • Page numbering of the research paper should be located in the center bottom of the pages. ‏
  • Two abstracts should be prepared for the research paper: one in Arabic and the other should be in English, in which the word count in each one does not exceed (250) words, and it should include the research introduction, objectives, importance, and top recommendations.
  • After the two abstracts – in English and Arabic, key words that are no more than five words should be used (which are not mentioned in the title), expressing the topics in the research, used in cataloging.
  • The research structure should be organized as follow:
  • The researcher begins with an introduction that paves the way for the central idea discussed in the research, showing the research literature, its importance, and its scientific contribution to its field, then he presents his research methodology. Next, the researcher divides it into sections in a coherent level, each presenting a specific idea that is part of the central idea of research. The researcher concludes it with a comprehensive summary of the main research findings. Finally, the bibliography is placed at the end of the research using the adopted referencing method in the journal. ‏

Research Referencing:

  • The adopted referencing method in the journal is American Psychological Association (APA).
  • The researcher must commit to transliteration in referencing the published articles in the Arabic periodicals mentioned in the Arabic bibliography (while keeping the original Arabic bibliography), according to the following procedure:
  • A - If the Arabic article information citied in the bibliography (including author name or names, article title, and article’s information) available in English in the original journal, then it shall be written as it is in the bibliography, then adding the word (Arabic) within parentheses, after the journal title.
    B - If the Arabic article information is not available in English in the original journal, then the Romanization/ Transliteration shall be used to name the author/authors, followed by the publication year in parentheses, followed by the article’s title if it is available in English in the original article, but if it was not available, it shall be translated into English, followed by the name of the journal in which the article was published in English, and if it is not, it shall be translated into English. then adding the word (Arabic) within parentheses, after the journal title.
    C - A list of Arabic bibliography is placed immediately after the body, arranged in alphabetical order according to the last name of the first author, as per the adopted method of referencing in the journal.
    D - After Arabic bibliography, a list of English bibliography, including Arabic references that have been translated or transliterated, in English alphabetical order according to the last name of the first author, as per the adopted method of referencing in the journal.
  • An example of transliteration of Arabic references:
  • Al-Bazi’I, Sa’d. (1438H-2019). ‘Abdullah Bin ‘Abdul’aziz ‘Idha’at fi Sirat Malik (2nd edition). Riyadh. Markaz Tawthiq Sirat Al-Malik ‘Abdullah Bin ‘Abdul’aziz.
  • The researcher is responsible of the integrity of citation, meanwhile the board of editorial is not responsible of any scientific plagiarism.

Presenting and refereeing the research:

  • The researcher sends his research to the journal electronically in (word) and (pdf) formats.
  • The researcher provides a written undertaking that the research has not been published, and it is not submitted for publication, and will not be submitted for publication elsewhere until the refereeing procedures are completed in the journal.
  • The editorial board has the right to the initial refereeing of the research, and the determination of its eligibility for refereeing, or rejection.
  • In the event of determining the non-eligibility for the refereeing, the researcher should be notified, and the journal does not have to give a reason.
  • In the event of accepting the research for publication, all copyrights in the paper and electronic publication to the journal, and shall not be published in any other publishing outlet, either in paper or electronically, without the written permission of the Editor-in-Chief. ‏
  • If the research is eligible for refereeing, the research shall be submitted to at least two referees.
  • The final decision of the referees shall be sent to the researcher. The decision shall be either:
  • A - Approving the research without modifications.
    B - Approving the research after minor modifications.
    C - Requesting fundamental modifications and re-presenting them to the referee/referees.
    D - Rejecting the publication.
  • In the event of conflicting decisions of the referees, the research shall be directed to a third referee who is likely to have one of the views; to accept or reject the research.
  • In a detailed report, the researcher should present his viewpoint regarding the referees notes, that he did not take.
  • The researcher shall be notified about the notes to modify what is necessary and then resubmit the research to the journal for official receipt. The journal has the right not to receive the research that does not comply with these rules.
  • The research shall be sent to the editorial board to ensure that all the referees’ notes are implemented and to consider accepting the researcher's notes not to implement some of their notes. The editorial board may add modifications to the research that are not included in the referees’ reports, in addition to proofreading of the research, with the researcher's permission.